

The official languages of the Conference are English and Bulgarian.

Working language of the Conference /presentations and discussion/ is English.


Oral Presentations

For each talk, there will be a 15 min time slot (10–12 min for the talk and 3–5 min for
discussion). The chairs of each session will be asked to keep strict time management.
We ask you to arrive on time in your session hall, in order to prevent delays.
Each conference hall is equipped with a Windows computer, a beamer and a laser
pointer. We provide MS Offi ce 2010. Please note that it will not be possible to use your
own computer.
Please provide your presentation either as PowerPoint or PDF fi le on a USB memory
The registration desk will open on Wednesday (May 6) 4 pm. Please hand over your
presentation to the staff at the registration desk upon arrival. It will be possible to check
the presentation on correct functioning and display of all slides. All presentations need
to be handed over to the conference staff no later than the evening proceeding the day
the talk is scheduled!


The posters will be on display from May 7 to May 8. All posters of both sessions
should be mounted from 16:00 on May 6 to 9:00 on May 7. It is your responsibility
to set-up your poster. Poster boards and appropriate pins for sticking the poster onto
the board will be provided during the conference. The authors must be present at their
posters during poster sessions. The number of the poster panel will be identical with the
number in the Book of Abstracts (see in Content). The authors are kindly requested to
mount their posters on the panel designated by the relevant number. At relevant session
presenters are asked to stand by their poster/exhibition in order to discuss their research/
design project with viewers. Posters will be displayed during the meeting and the poster
sessions will be followed by discussion between authors and attendees.

Responsibility – Insurance

The Organizing Committee will not assume responsibility for any personal injury,
damage or loss of property, which may happen in connection with the Conference.
Participants should secure appropriate insurance coverage.



Items made of leather and fur are very popular on the local markets. Here you can find clothing by local manufacturers, and by famous Italian firms. Items made of silver, as well as traditional clothes and handmade tableware is the most popular souvenirs that travelers buy.

Most shops open at 9:00 and accept visitors till 19:00. Large shopping centers may work until 21:00 while supermarkets and food stores often work around the clock.



The national currency is the Bulgarian Lev. Bank notes of the following denominations are in circulation: 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 Levs. 1 Euro = 1,95583 BGN.There are numerous foreign exchange offices and ATMs around the city centre.

It's always prudent to carry a little foreign cash, however, in case you can't find an ATM or bank office nearby. You can always change cash at the hotel, though the commission will be high.

Make sure you have enough of the national currency when you plan to visit local markets and shops.



When a gratuity is not included in your bill, which is usually the case, 10% is customary. If service is outstanding, you could go as high as 15%. With taxi drivers, you usually just round up the sum if you have been happy with the ride or for the sake of convenience.



Moderate climate: mild spring and autumn, hot summer, cold snowy winters. The weather at the beginning of May in Sofia can vary from warm and sunny to windy and rainy. Daily temperatures range from 15° to 20°C.



Winter GMT + 2 hrs. (September through April)



220 Volts, 50 Hz, 2 pins plug-in system



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